Citris Nail Spa w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneCitris Nail Spa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

174, Yale Street, 77007, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 832-831-7030
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7739778, Longitude: -95.3982366

komentarze 5

  • Erika Postell

    Erika Postell


    I came here again today and service was fantastic. I think their quality goes up when they're not extremely packed, I recommend not going on weekends as this place has a large customer base. They do offer complimentary drinks and all items are sterilized. I drive very far to come here because they're so sanitary compared to other places I've been to. Will still be going to this location as my experiences here have mostly been beyond great.

  • en

    Emily Dickson


    New to town and had to find a salon to start using. Citris was my first try and I’ll definitely be back! Was pleasantly surprised how quick they got me in and out and still did a good job! There were a ton of employees and it was very streamlined. Very happy!!!

  • Krystal Blankenship

    Krystal Blankenship


    This is my go to place. Best pedicures, best nails (by Vi), and always so sweet and welcoming! They always hold their appointments and that stands them apart. Love it!

  • Masuka Cowell

    Masuka Cowell


    These lady's do a great job. They are super friendly. Not only did they fix my nails but I am super satisfied with the end results. I've gotten so man compliments. I would recommend coming here to everyone.

  • en

    P Nicole Kelly


    Found this place after my Tech of 10+ years took a much needed extended sabbatical. I'll never go anywhere else to get my nails and toes done! The place is extremely clean and the staff is SUPER friendly. I've never seen/heard anyone complain or seem dissatisfied with their service, which is a good sign, for me. And, they offer light adult beverages: wine, mimosas, etc., as well as soft drinks. Parking is kinda tricky, because they're in a strip with other businesses, but that truly is the only downfall!!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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