Citibank w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCitibank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

64-20, 108th Street, 11375, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-507-4829
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.732306, Longitude: -73.849636

komentarze 5

  • en

    Фарход Саттаров


    Very bad service

  • Izzy



    The wait is extremely long. They see me sitting for over an hour and yet continue to get customers that came in after me. They tell me to wait for the next available employee over and over. Would not recommend.

  • William Gabriel

    William Gabriel


    small bank, i can't really complain about it. I just wish people couldn't see you deposit or withdraw cash from outside. i see it as a safety issue but other than that. this is a good bank.

  • Alba Donaghy

    Alba Donaghy


    I deposited a check for $3500 dollars and the teller read it as $35!! What a huge mistake and 3 weeks later I still have not received my money. Upsetting and disappointing for an organization like Citibank.

  • en

    Henry Jourdain


    Lost my wallet so I went in to get a temporary debit card so I can deposit my check and make a purchase later on that I needed for work. I usually go to the one in rego and there's no problem. The douchebag at the counter gave me an attitude from the start,I told him I needed a temporary card while I wait for a new one to come in, he asked for ID. I obviously didn't have it cause I lost my wallet but I had an MTA ID which is hard to acquire and requires a background check, your ID, and more. He refused to accept it and kept giving me an attitude about it, usually at other citibanks they have no problem. He tells me to call and pay to get it expedited instead of him giving it to me right there and then... Whats the difference between calling with no ID and going in person with A type of ID and my social security number? This guy was being difficult for no reason so I just left and drove to a different Citibank where they had no problem helping me out.

najbliższy Bank

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