Citi Med w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneCiti Med



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4401, Little Road, 76016, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-572-9890
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6765275, Longitude: -97.1965786

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bobby Etumah


    They are just bunch of jokes in there. After making a cash payment of over $400 I still needed to pay $90 for a scan which I then offered to pay with check , they refused.. i just felt like It was a scam payment so it doesn’t reflect on their records.. i left disappointed

  • en

    Chelsea Wilson


    I've been going to Dr. Pohn for over 13 years now and won't go anywhere else. Sure, sometimes the wait time is longer than preferred but Dr. Pohn is not one of those doctors that will throw an antibiotic at you and send you on your way. He listens. He cares. He chooses what treatment is best for YOU. If you're that worried about wait times then go somewhere else where you won't get a personable experience and the doctor knows nothing about you. I will sit here, because Dr. Pohn is worth the wait.

  • Rea Scantlebury

    Rea Scantlebury


    Unprofessional, and unreliable staff; This office use to be good. My family were patients for over 10 years and happy to see Dr. Pon, but for some reason this place has went to the dogs in recent times. I'm very disappointed in this "practice turned puppy mill". I swear, if I could give a no star review, I would. It does not even deserve the one star.

  • Zane Adams

    Zane Adams


    Great but prepare to wait. this is one of the few places that will not take an appointment and is first come first serve...and that will not charge you and arm and a leg like the other Doc in the Box places. I've been going to Dr. Pohn for several years now. He's great, and seems to hire good Nurse Practitioners. They are efficient and seem quite caring. But....if you go on Monday, Friday or Saturday, especially during 'cold' season, be prepared to wait. Even if you are one of the first in the door at opening time you will wait at least an hour. I went recently on a cold ridden Saturday and was there from 8:30 until 12:30....yep 4 hours. UGH. My wife went on the following Tuesday morning @ 9:30 and was out in 40 minutes. Luck of the draw....but better than the 4 DAY wait to see my regular doctor.

  • en

    Kim Freeman


    I have been going here for almost 10 years or more. Dr. Phon is amazing he doesn't say much but seems on top of everything .. listens well. Dr. Forte is also amazing very confident and a good listener . I have had to wait extra long times when i was not feeling well but other times in and out . No different than any other Dr. Office as far as waiting in my opinion. But I really really like Dr. Phon and Dr. Forte

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