Circle K i Brandon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCircle K



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812, East Lumsden Road, 33511, Brandon, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-643-4665
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.9237411, Longitude: -82.2711379

kommentar 5

  • Chris McKenzie

    Chris McKenzie


    Went to three places trying to redeem my car wash code for the expensive one and finally I showed up here and the guy totally hooked it up. I didn't get your name but I appreciate the service!

  • Aaron Reynolds

    Aaron Reynolds


    No condiments for hot dogs! Clerk says they stopped providing them "ages ago." Without hot food with proper condiments, this is just a gas station with a decent car wash. Circle K is known for its hot dogs and the covid excuse long ended.

  • daryl siewert

    daryl siewert


    Three out of three visits the items advertised price on the shelf is lower than what it rings up at the register. I brought this to their attention three times and they still seem to refuse to advertise the correct prices is this just laziness I do not experience this at other circle case stores maybe the manager of the store needs to be a little bit more engaged. In some states this is an illegal practice I don't know about the state of Florida's rules but it's definitely unethical and shows any incompetence on a management and/or owner level.

  • Eitan



    States 24hr yet they won't let you in at 12am. Daytime staff prior to 12am is good but this women at night won't even tell me anything about why i cant get in. Great way to run a business into the ground 👏 👌 👍

  • Cindy Tabor

    Cindy Tabor


    Prepaid for gas and asked for 4 packs of Special Blend Select light shorts. No communication from the cashier 4:45pm approximate. He waited until the end of the transaction to lay the cigarettes on the counter, wrong ones. I hadn't even left the counter area and he placed my 4 packs down, didn't have the transaction voided and reentered into the system. No apologies, only glanced at his watch. I go to the location several times a week and have never had such a negative experience at that location!!

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