Circle K w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneCircle K



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
3122, West Indian School Road, 85017, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-242-2417
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.494951, Longitude: -112.126775

komentarze 5

  • Heather Krick

    Heather Krick


    My store! I love it here!!!

  • en

    Commedia Gordon


    I was an employee at this store about a year and a half ago.. I was treated like I didn't belong by my supervisor.. it was just one supervisor there who made me feel as if I belong. The other one would constantly refer to me as you and your people, you know, black people. When I made the complaint to hire management I was intimidated targeted and made to feel helpless. Even other employees targeted me and nothing was done. This is how these chains of stores work. They care nothing for the customer or employees of color if you do not respond the way they want you to. I still have all evidence. I began to use their own camera and audio to gain such matter. They tried not to teach me even though it's made very clear all employees are supposed to know how in case of a robbery.. I taught myself.. I hope they come after me for this so I can expose them all.. this store and all others should be boycotted..

  • Donquell Newsom

    Donquell Newsom


    Terrible experience in this wife goes into the store around 10:30 pm requesting cashback in the amount of $20 seems like no big deal right? Wrong he told her "I only have $19 so i can't help you" she accepted that and return to our car recounting her trip. Problem is I am a previous employee and I know he literally can bend down and request that amount from the safe, process takes about 20 seconds. I chose to go into the store myself and I was greeted by chris I told chris that i was aware of the conversation he just had with my wife but that i was on a very strained time limit and i would appreciate if he would just use the safe to help me out right now since the next store is around 45th ave he responded by saying he couldnt use the safe i told him i knew he could and he responded by saying "He Did Not Use The Safe"....that statement left me speechless because the circle k i worked for made customer service a major priority from the first day of training and my store manager stayed on top of it. So I changed directions and asked him to clarify that what i was indeed hearing was he was making the choice to put his personal preferences over the needs of the customer? He didn't understand the question. At that point a Phoenix Police Officer(working in an off duty capacity as a security guard per his agency's contract) stood up from his stool and began to approach me aggresively i reworded the question and Chris responded by saying that was exactly the case with Mr. Peace Officer chiming in yeah he don't wanna and I left the store. I proceeded to the store mentioned earlier near 4tth ave where the attendant complete my transaction and guess what he had even less in his drawer so he used the safe. Needless to say i was disappointed in Chris due to the obvious lack of customer service, the peace officer because clearly no taught him how to be a security guard and he was stepping out of bounds(i would know im a AZDPS trained AND licensed security guard) and most of all in circle k i truly believed that customer service was a priority is this one employee or have the standards changed?

  • tina madden

    tina madden


    Clean and well stocked

  • en

    Martin Quiroz


    Is a dirty place

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