Circle K i Tampa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCircle K



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101, North Falkenburg Road, 33619, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-654-1371
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.9525463, Longitude: -82.3344509

kommentar 5

  • Adrienne Lester

    Adrienne Lester


    It's close to home.... so we go here enough to know the people who work here. If you come here often, the workers make you feel like you're part of the family. Especially Krystal who took over the subway inside, she doesn't play around with food, makes sure everything is fresh! She is amazing! Hard worker, usually tackles everything on her own.... so if you're reliable and looking for work, apply! The gas station and subway are hiring!

  • Ray Chapman

    Ray Chapman


    What can I say , was thinking about it the other day, while @ a red light in front of one of the stores , circle K , that I frequent. Thank God , for circle K! I've been going there so long , for so much!

  • Jeff Kosh

    Jeff Kosh


    Absolutely horrible service there, massively long wait times as they never run more than 1 cashier at once amongst other things too

  • Jennifer Devlaeminck

    Jennifer Devlaeminck


    Store is always clean. It's a busy store however employees are beyond friendly and never show signs of frustration no matter how long the line gets They speak when you walk in and acknowledge my 4 year old. Matthew and the short lady with red hair (sorry forgot name) always working hard and a complete assist to the company.

  • Robert B

    Robert B


    Best Circle K in the area. Almost all of the employees are very nice. The bad ones go quickly. The store does suffer from long lines (busy location near the jail) but that is not the fault of the employees. That is more of an upper management issue usually.

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