Circle K i Tampa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCircle K



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10030, East Adamo Drive, 33619, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-654-1289
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.9446359, Longitude: -82.335501

kommentar 5

  • Kimberly Smith

    Kimberly Smith


    I do not recommend this store due to the fact that Keon Hodge, the overnight associate physically assaults women while on the job. There are witnesses from the Mc Donalds across the street as well as people staying at the LaQuinta, the Red Roof Inn and the Brandon Hotel. Plus the local homeless population have witnessed the physical assaults as well. PLEASE HELP!! MR MARK WE ARE ASKING FOR HELP. THIS MUST NOT CONTINUE.

  • Carlos Alberto Viera Sierra

    Carlos Alberto Viera Sierra


    It's just a little too small not a great variety of products, no milk at all when I visited. The lady at the counter was courteous and friendly.

  • Matthew Rodriguez

    Matthew Rodriguez


    Ken I believe his name was. TERRIBLE customer service. Very lazy & Laid back. WILL NEVER RETURN BACK HERE AGAIN!! Just go to the race track legit 1 light down. Extremely frustrated with Him & this company.

  • Emerson D.

    Emerson D.


    Don think I need to say much here. Employee smoking at pumps....

  • Chrysta Hamilton

    Chrysta Hamilton


    The lady working here is RUDE! No customer service at all! Had a problem fixing the mistake she made and never once apologized for the inconvenience she caused me 2 times! Get some new help someone that is willing to be accountable for their mistakes

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