Cintas Uniform Services i North Salem

Forenede StaterCintas Uniform Services



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55, Fields Lane, 10560, North Salem, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-930-4535
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.3562852, Longitude: -73.6368484

kommentar 5

  • Chris Espejo

    Chris Espejo


  • en

    Jj Jj


  • Frank Kernan

    Frank Kernan


    I do not speak for my employer, i speak for myself and what personal experiences i've had with Cintas outfitting myself and my team with uniforms..........horrible. A list of some issues we have had; 1.Lost uniforms 2. wrong uniforms delivered(clearly different uniforms and style of uniforms). 3. uniforms come back dirtier then they go out(we had a batch that looked liked they were washed in a load with greasy uniforms, one of our engineering supervisors relied on those uniforms and they ruined them, he thereafter closed his account). 4. Horrible customer service. When reaching out to the managers numerous occasions, they would never respond. Still til this day they never gave a simple answer why the uniforms were coming back dirtier. 5. All of our operators over time were extremely dissatisfied, so they closed their individual accounts with Cintas, now we have closed are account for our business weeks ago and they haven't showed up to get their equipment out of here! Just plain bad customer service, will never use them ever again.

  • Felipe Contreras

    Felipe Contreras


  • Christine Martin

    Christine Martin


nærmeste Tøjbutik

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