Church of the Intercession w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneChurch of the Intercession



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550, West 155th Street, 10032, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-283-6200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8323113, Longitude: -73.9455556

komentarze 5

  • es

    Isidro Jame


    Es un lugar muy acogedor y hermoso

  • Mia McCurdy

    Mia McCurdy


    Beautiful church and cemetery in Washington Heights. I lived across from this church for a year and saw so many things getting filmed!

  • en

    Tangerois3 Maroc


    If you want to see an example of the large historic Church of the Intercession in upper Manhattan, set in a large garden and cemetery with notable men such as James Audubon and John Jacob Astor buried on the grounds and a monument to another Astor who had gone down the Titanic disaster, this is the place to visit. The location is pleasant and serene with Hudson River views. The impressive Church of the Intercession, circa 1910-1915, seems ancient. The grounds surrounding the church are actually Trinity Church's uptown cemetery and are about 23 acres in total area, divided on both east and west sides of Broadway from Riverside Drive to Amsterdam Avenue and between 153rd and 155th Streets, a bucolic location in New York City. I entered through a cemetery gate on West 155th Street and walked around looking at graves of a few well known people, then past the only mauseleum in Manhattan. I loved every minute of this trip uptown and may return to see the church interior.

  • Gail L.

    Gail L.


    My mother and I visited at an off-service time when the sanctuary was open. It is a beautiful sanctuary. We loved touring the cemetary, seeing the tomb of John James Audubon at the rear of the church. We loved touring the museum of Spanish American antiquities across the street. This is a fantastic touring site when visiting New York City and Manhattan .

  • G Aquino

    G Aquino


    Progressive Episcopal church housed in a picturesque, architecturally beautiful building.

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