Church of the Epiphany (Roman Catholic Church) i Cliffside Park

Forenede StaterChurch of the Epiphany (Roman Catholic Church)



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247, Knox Avenue, 07010, Cliffside Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-943-7320
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.827815, Longitude: -73.983509

kommentar 5

  • Hollie Tincani

    Hollie Tincani


    I love the bells! Thank you for that beautiful sound.

  • en

    Kenneth Liu


    As a new residence to the neighborhood, I am annoyed by the bells that goes off on a hourly basis. No consideration for the neighbors and for the community. Wish this church would just stop all the unnecessary noise and realize there is familys and children that also live around them. Selfish and very inconsiderate.

  • en

    Dmitriy S


    I'm sure this church is great and practices religion in the best way possible but as a nearby resident of Cliffside Park, I find it absolutely ridiculous that the church rings its bells so often and loud. Churches used to ring their bells as a way of telling time but more importantly, as a way to call people to prayer/mass. This was done when people did not have easy access to watches or clocks, and did not have a good sense of timing for their respective schedules. As of the date of this review, it is 2016, everyone has a watch and/or clock. The bells are no long necessary. Not only do they ring every hour, starting at 8am each morning until 8pm at night, using a gong succession to tell time (1 gong for 1pm, 4 gongs for 4pm, etc.), but they also do a 10 minute long, loud, melody at 7:45am on a Sunday morning. Which is then promptly followed by 8 gongs to announce 8am. This is done 3 more times at 9:45am, 11:45am, and 12:45pm. The bells are loud, not needed, and are awful for newborns as babies have a tough time sleeping through the noise. They also hurt the value of real estate here, as people familiar with the area know about the nuisance of these bells and choose to not purchase homes anywhere near the church. Please, for the love of God, stop this ridiculous and outdated practice.

  • michellegav7724



    Please as a near by resident We would appreciate it if you have some consideration for us residents who work late and do not want to be woken up at 7 in the morning on Sundays. These bells shouldn't be rang this early in the morning!! We need to learn how to be respectful towards others and we should not be forced to other people's beliefs and religion practices. Please we Grant Ave Building ask the people in charge of the church to stop this practice of early bell ringing. Please as a church who shows others how to behave you need to be able to respect us the people who are not catholic and are also part of this community! This Early and Constant bell ringing is disturbing we need our sleep and peace!!! Do not be selfish you guys need to show consideration towards others. Thank you

  • Maria Adragna

    Maria Adragna


    Love the bells and how they remind me who I am. I am Catholic and so often it's too easy to get caught up in our daily lives. Thank you for the beautiful sounding bells.

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