Chuck E. Cheese w West Islip

Stany ZjednoczoneChuck E. Cheese



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155, Sunrise Highway, 11795, West Islip, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 631-376-1800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7206086, Longitude: -73.3070049

komentarze 5

  • William Schaffer

    William Schaffer


    Took my godson here and we had an awesome time!!! The games are extremely fair priced and you can have hours of fun at a reasonable cost. Decent variety of games and a decent amount of games as well!!!!

  • amecia ollivierre

    amecia ollivierre


    Twas a great party 8yo. Everyone had lots.of fun. Our host MJ was very professional. Would recommend anytime

  • Christopher LeBron

    Christopher LeBron


    The young staff that works there really tries to make your time an enjoyable experience. The older gentleman that works at the front can be a bit short in his speaking to you. Chuck E comes out every 30 minutes and greets the children, takes the time to take pictures and very friendly. They have a good safety system in place to prevent children going out the facility without a parent or gaurdian. The all you can eat salad bar is worth the $11.49. A 30 play point card with wrist coil is $20.00, it last my child about an hour worth of games and rides. Definitely buy the points if your little one is under 5 (less attention span). Big shot out to the waitress staff, cooks and bus peoples. Tipp: When scanning your child's card on the rides switch with other parents and take turns. This goes a long way in extending the overall adventures of the evening.

  • VALERIYA I. New York

    VALERIYA I. New York


    Great place! Very clean, delicious food and drinks, fun place for adults and kids. Lots of games available. While we we there there was a birthday party and it was in a separate section which looked fun and spacious. Moscot was walking around and saying hello to all the kids! There is parking outside. Definitely come back there again.

  • Harry D

    Harry D


    Very nice, I put the menu on here so everyone can see what's new and what's not. I would suggest buying the bulk package of tickets or it could get very expensive. Kids have lots of fun, its indoors and Chuky the mouse seems to come out every hour doing a dance routine and throwing a handful of tickets to all the little ones on the ground. More importantly, the staff watches the door being kids are running around all over the place, so your kid doesn't run out into the street. PS at the end of the day, you'll have to put your tickets into a ticket counting machine so please make sure that most of your winning tickets are not single tickets, a group of 10 or more is less of a test of your patience as opposed to 1 ticket going through the machine at a time that could take over a half hour.

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