Christie & Co Salon w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneChristie & Co Salon



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2364, Bell Boulevard, 11360, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-225-7766
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7807505, Longitude: -73.7762366

komentarze 5

  • Janine Abel

    Janine Abel


    Trish is the best colorists! She get 20 stars out of 5, because she is that good. I get so many compliments after she does my hair. I have been going to her for a few years now. She is also one of the nicest people I have ever met. The one really negative part is the owner, Lois. Only once in 10 years has she ever said hello to me. I spend an okay amount of money there, but it would be nice if I got a hello or a how are you today. Love, the girls upfront, Marilyn, Lisa, Michelle, Gerry & the rest of the ladies.

  • ginnie juarez

    ginnie juarez


    Hair cut by Bonnie was amazing. Went back three weeks later for a Keratin treatment and it is by far the best Keratin treatment I have had. My hair was soft and shiny and looked great even during the three day waiting period before washing. After washing, it was just as straight and so soft and shiny. Bonnie takes her time and is so precise. Lovely person as well. The reason for the four star rating is the rude reception/booking staff. When booking my Keratin appointment with Lisa, she asked me about color. I told her I color my hair myself, not using a box product but mixing the color myself. She said "well, aren't you a little scientist." So rude and unprofessional. The owner should take note of the bad rap her salon gets in the community because of this unprofessional attitude that for whatever reason is tolerated.

  • en

    Elena Vetere


    Great salon. Awesome service. Loved my hair and makeup. Easy to make appointment.

  • Sandra Farrell

    Sandra Farrell


    Bonnie gave me a great haircut. The best cut I've gotten. I have curly, thick hair and at Christie & co I always get the right cut, and will keep going back to Bonnie. Wish was a little less expensive, but will continue to go.

  • Lorraine K

    Lorraine K


    Marissa did a great job giving me a trendy up to date graduated bob, she is talented and passionate about her craft and I won't go anywhere else for a haircut. The salon is large and busy but everyone is very friendly and welcoming. It is pricey but as they say you get what you pay for.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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