Chipotle Mexican Grill i Brandon

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Forenede StaterChipotle Mexican Grill



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459 Brandon Town Center Mall Ste Fc, Brandon, FL 33511, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 813-689-6816
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Latitude: 27.9321863, Longitude: -82.3249381

kommentar 5

  • fernando mondragon

    fernando mondragon


    Order online before you arrive, line gets very long, but the food is good and it’s a very clean area.

  • miss unique

    miss unique


    Was not used to seeing a Chipotle inside of a mall. It looked weird. Overall Food was good and staff was friendly.

  • Landon Bellamy

    Landon Bellamy


    Went here for lunch because it was in the Brandon Mall. Located in the food court section this location does not have an official dining room. The overall vibe of the food court is artificial and dated. However, everything else about this restaurant was great. The service was very good and supportive throughout the process. The food itself was like any other Chipotle. It was very good! I got a chicken burrito with brown rice, black beans, sour cream, cheese with chips and queso on the side. The burrito was good and was very flavorful, as well as the queso and chips. Overall, due to the vibe, is not the best location to get Chipotle.

  • Marcy



    Food is great. Good vegan options. Rice, sofritas, guac, salsa, lettuce, corn, black beans, and sauce

  • Phillip Pitts

    Phillip Pitts


    This location is consistently disappointing. Knowing it is inside the mall, expectations are already set lower than typical, and yet this location still falls short. Consistently undersized portions. Consistently overcooked meat. This time, the fajita veggies were burnt. Not over done. Burnt. Charred. I get pushing product but to knowing serve burned charred food is unacceptable. Its even worse when it is mixed in with the rest of your meal so most of it just crumbles and can't be picked out.

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