Chipotle Mexican Grill w Aurora

Stany ZjednoczoneChipotle Mexican Grill



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15280, East Iliff Avenue, 80014, Aurora, Arapahoe County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 720-747-9542
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.6743837, Longitude: -104.8106401

komentarze 5

  • en

    Roy Ford


    Their bowls are just the thing for a quick carry out meal. Great choice of ingredients. You can also pick how spicy you make it. The bowl made a great addition to our intimate movie marathon.

  • Tyler Richardson

    Tyler Richardson


    Great food. Rude staff, very passive aggressive. Whether it's a sidelong comment about the customer, enforcing a rule that hasn't been broken, ignoring customers, rushing customers, or just plain ruining a customer's food via intentionally poor assembly or intentionally adding/removing requested ingredients. The staff are exceptionally rude to customers and it is a mystery to me why anyone would want to do business there in light of the staff's attitude towards customers. NOT A POSITIVE EXPERIENCE, IT IS MY DEEPEST WISH THAT PEOPLE SEE THIS REVIEW AND STEER CLEAR OF THIS BUSINESS AND IT'S TOXIC STAFF MEMBERS.

  • Jennifer Graham

    Jennifer Graham


    It was about 430 I stopped here. Beans looked dried out but under the crust they were most and fresh. Courteous and friendly staff.

  • Zack Mace

    Zack Mace


    Standard Chipotle visit with friendly staff and usual quick service. The food was extremely fresh, and it was clearly being made in small fresh batches and sent to the line, instead of playing "get ahead" like some other Chipotle's do. Easy enough to get in and out of the parking lot, but is located on the corner of two very busy intersections.

  • David Poole

    David Poole


    This Chipotle seemed a little smaller then I'm used to in the Aurora/Centennial area. Regardless of size, the quality of service and atmosphere was still the same. The lady running the cash register was polite. The beverage and condiments area was clean and we'll stocked. The tables were also clean. Overall everything you would expect from a Chipotle.

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