Chinatown i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterChinatown


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604, H Street Northwest, 20001, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 38.8998342, Longitude: -77.0217411

kommentar 5

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    Michael Wu


    Slowly disappearing. not good if you are Chinese. Very few Chinese restaurants ( around 16) . The Mongolian BBQ place was good and it was a more authentic joint , but come on !!! All the Chinese moved out to Falls Church , Chantilly, and Mclean Va , and TO Potomac, Rockville, and Gaithersburg Maryland in the 2000s after all the Chinese shops closed . Most shops are average American shops like chipotle , but with Chinese signage , and the capitol one center. Slowly and sadly Chinatown is fading . I'd rather just go to Rockville or Falls church.

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    if you came to DC for the "urban experience" this is the aria you want to be in for food and bars and "hustle and bustle" this is where you want to go. but i would not recommend driving and trying to find parking. remember to stay aware of your surroundings and have an idea of your destinations because this is a VERY busy aria.

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    Michael Mladenka


    Definitely all kinds of sketchy people hanging around. Begging for money, yelling and screaming at one another. People in cars yelling obscenities at tourists. A mother threatening to beat her kid in the McDonald’s. I want for authentic Chinese food, wouldn’t go back, not worth it. I go to New Orleans all the time, this felt very unsafe, I regret exposing my family to this area.

  • Jill Friends

    Jill Friends


    Didn't feel safe here with my family on a weekday night. Our Uber driver assured us it was safe and being from metro Atlanta, I don't think we've been too overly sheltered. If I return to DC with my family, I think we will skip China town.

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    Chiang Foo


    It’s small not too many gift shops. Streets are clean. Most restaurants serve good foods. Prices are above average as expected in big cities. Closed by most of the attractions within walking distance.

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