Chili's Grill & Bar w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneChili's Grill & Bar



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3830, South Cooper Street, 76015, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-467-9944
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.682615, Longitude: -97.134033

komentarze 5

  • James Farrell

    James Farrell


    I always order the steak, medium rare. Today there was a huge ligament in the center of it, making it difficult to cut around or eat at all. The server and manager (Rachel) made me a brandy new plate, sides and all no questions asked. Even though it isn’t the hen first time I’ve ive found ligaments or tendons in my steak, they are always willing to fix it with no hassle or problems. Great service. Tasty steak as well.

  • Derek Maldonado

    Derek Maldonado


    Quick service and friendly staff! Food quality is not as good as other franchise locations, so don't expect to be impressed. Great place to hang with friends, though.

  • Michael Jenkins

    Michael Jenkins


    The food was decent,but the customer service could have been better. Our server was not attentive,we had to get another server for refills and modified orders. Prices was reasonable,3 menu items for $10. A drink,appetizer and an entree from the selected choices.

  • Payton Washington

    Payton Washington


    I feel they can do better on the barbecue dishes they have. But the steak was good the shrimp was good I even like the loaded baked potato. And the drinks were inexpensive as well.

  • en

    Craig Day


    Nice for a quick bite with the family. They're always changing their menu and running specials so it's a good deal of variety for a good price. If you sign up with your email, you get coupons for free chips and dessert and also point towards your bill, which is nice. Service is hit or miss, but over all we usually have a really good experience and walk out satisfied. Will visit again soon.

najbliższy Bar

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