Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora i Aurora

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterChildren's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora



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13123, East 16th Avenue, 80045, Aurora, Adams County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 720-777-1234
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Latitude: 39.7416548, Longitude: -104.8352906

kommentar 5

  • en

    Crazylegs Craz


    This hospital is essentially a second home to me. Due to my medical issues I tend to come here frequently. The staff here is amazing, helpful, and very friendly. When in a serious situation the staff respect the parents and patients decision. Sometimes even in life or death. When the patient turns 18, they try to inform the child/patient of his/her responsibilities and rights. The location is amazing next to a very busy area. The hospital is also very modern. One thing to note though is that in emergency room if the patient isn't in a extreme situation you'll be forced to wait. Granted an emergency for one might not be one for the physicians. But overall however it is the best of the best. Definitely recommend bringing your child here.

  • Staci Gonzalez

    Staci Gonzalez


    3rd time at this ER....this time we waited 8 hours so far and my child has neither been neither admitted nor discharged. Too may people use the ER like a primary care physician's office. The surrounding community is in dire need of education, this facility is being used incorrectly which seems to result in longer wait times. Psychiatric Emergency services are abhorrent, after 8 hours we still haven't seen a physician, and there is no update to my child's treatment plan. So far we've experienced sub-par treatment, this is unacceptable. If this situation wasn't truly an emergency, I would have waited through traffic to be seen at a different branch of the children's hospital. Words cannot capture my feelings of desperation as I await adequate medical and psychiatric care for my child. I implore all potential patients to objectively evaluate your needs and make a different choice in hospitals if at all possible.

  • Carlos Martinez

    Carlos Martinez


    This university hospital is super amazing! Their faculty/staff, facility and location are the best in the state of Colorado. They have free valet parking. Thanks for the love, compassion and services provided to my son. You team is top-notch!!!

  • S. Boesch

    S. Boesch


    The nurses and doctors and professional medical staff at Children’s hospital were excellent, and sympathetic to our needs. They are very well trained, know what they are doing and made us feel confident about our child’s care. The rest of the staff like the secretaries, receptionists, financial, billing, and insurance department staff are horrible and don’t have a clue to what they are doing. I have been hung up on 4 times while trying to reach certain departments and they could not answer my simple questions. They also directed us to the wrong department while my child was there for brain surgery. We called and e-mailed them several times asking about our insurance and wanted to make sure it was in network. They said yes they are in network on 3 different occasions and they also had blue cross blue shield on their website. The surgeon was also on our blue cross blue shield website as being "in network". After my Child's major brain surgery I get a letter stating that they are not in our network of providers. The staff needs a lot more training! This is very upsetting and not something we want to deal with at this time, or ever.

  • en

    Elizabeth Rubino


    The wait for the room and some of the staff was a little long but overall well worth the wait. The staff was so friendly and so kind and so comforting to both me and my child. The doctor's were knowledgeable and understanding and didn't mind explaining things to me if I needed a little extra. They took excellent care of my kiddo and the staff was so unbelievably sweet. I'll drive the extra 40 minutes to go to this campus due to the care provided and the kindness shown. I appreciated everything you guys did for us!

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