Chick-fil-A w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneChick-fil-A



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3500, John A Merritt Boulevard, 37209, Nashville, Davidson County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 615-963-5495
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.166364, Longitude: -86.828271

komentarze 5

  • Grace Mitchell

    Grace Mitchell


    Only for students. Would have liked to been notified of that before driving 6 miles in the wrong direction

  • en

    Dawn Johnson


    I come from Atlanta, GA this location is very slow and not consistent with the quality of the brand. It is never their pleasure. The people at the register do not smile or thank you for your order. Its like a cafeteria lunch line not a Chick-fil-A.

  • en



    Only for students! Not an actual location! Just like the one on Rosa parks!!!

  • Paul Moller

    Paul Moller


    Can't get there to eat at this location. Yea, seriously, I was driving on I65 and saw the sign advertising to exit and turn left which I did. But when I arrived at the building I discovered that Chick Fil A is located inside of a large government building, and there is no public parking within reasonable distance. Ended up wasting time and still not getting lunch. I consider the sign on I65 as a bit of false advertising.

  • en

    Evgen Tseba


    We eat here often and have tried many of the menu items - they are all great. The service is outstanding, friendly, and very helpful. This is the fastest fast-food restaurant I've ever been to.

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