Chez Boom Audio i Austin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterChez Boom Audio


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306, West 16th Street, 78701, Austin, Travis County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 512-924-5352
internet side:
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Latitude: 30.2789405, Longitude: -97.7421634

kommentar 3

  • John Howard

    John Howard


    Chez Boom is awesome. Talented operators and top equipment. If you need to record high quality audio, Shay and her team are the best!

  • en

    Brian Still


    Simply amazing watching Shay work her magic.

  • paige davis

    paige davis


    Had the best experience with Chez Boom. As a novice to the recording world, I was treated with an impressive level of professionalism. Shayna and her staff are super friendly, helpful and provided some key support and strategy to make the most of the recording process. The space is practical, modern and welcoming. And Chris was an awesome engineer that really brought a sense of ease and enjoyment throughout the process. Not to mention super quick turnaround and superb sound quality. I felt really taken care of and I'm eager to create more guided meditations just so I can work with this team again!

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