Check Cashing Central w Lodi

Stany ZjednoczoneCheck Cashing Central



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332, Essex Street, 07644, Lodi, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-843-6340
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8878512, Longitude: -74.0665577

komentarze 5

  • Roy Graquitena

    Roy Graquitena


    The lady at that place was rude! Absolutely rude. Didn’t even have two feet in the door and she’s already basically denying me.

  • ultimate gaming675

    ultimate gaming675


    That place is in the trash. She told me she couldn't cash my check cause it was over ten days old and it wasn't. Don't ever ever ever ever ever go there. They discriminate on you if you are not a Latina person. TRASH TRASH TRASH TRASH!!!!!!!

  • DJ Capone

    DJ Capone


    The lady behind the counter is so rude and disrespectful... I will never do business here again! Whoever hired her should be fired!

  • en

    Karyn Alberto


    Absolutely HORRIBLE! Stay far away from here and don't give this place your business! They USE to be pretty good but not anymore and the WOMAN who's working there is the worst! She was annoyed from the time that I walked in since I disrupted her personal phone call, she said my check was 10 days old (it wasn't) then after I corrected her, she came up with another excuse and was rude about it the entire time. She treated me like I was a scammer! I was a customer with them for 10+years! i will now be giving my business to the check cashing place on River road in Garfield. That beast of a lady needs to Go!

  • en

    Steven Lynch


    Absolutely terrible customer service and a travesty of a business. If you plan on going here, don’t waste your time. They refused to cash a GOVERNMENT ISSUED check and gave some lame excuse about my address being “too far away from their town.” There are tons of more serious check cashing places in the area; you’d be much better off skipping this place. Worst part was the elderly woman and equally clueless-looking younger gentleman behind the counter couldn’t even provide a reasoning to this alleged “policy.” Sounded something like a second-grader trying to explain rocket science. If there was an option for ZERO STARS, this place would qualify.

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