Chase Bank w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneChase Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5407 N I H 35, Austin, TX 78723, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 512-371-5350
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.314318, Longitude: -97.706931

komentarze 5

  • Rosanna Chapa

    Rosanna Chapa


    I went thru the drive thru to deposit a check and gave the teller Doris Jaimes Castaneda my check, deposit slip and DL. She did not give me back my DL and stated "are you sure you gave it to me" I'm 100% sure I gave her my DL. Hello you need it to make any transactions. I'm pretty sure she gave my DL to someone else. Then the supervisor Veronica Arellano was no help. I ask her to run cameras and she stated NO we don't have any cameras it's a bank w/no cameras...WOW. So now I have reported my DL stolen and have to take off from work and go to the DPS pay another fee and get a new ID#. Chase sucks I'm taking my business else where.

  • Geno Gargas

    Geno Gargas


    This is the absolute worst branch of Chase I have ever been to. The drive-up ATM has issues and is not working almost 50% of the time I drive up to it. If I go in, there is always an unbearable line with maybe 1 agent handling people. If I held any debt that made Chase money from me this branch would be the straw that made me switch banks.

  • Amy Hughes

    Amy Hughes


    Don't trust this bank/branch. They will give you counterfeit money and then tell you it's impossible for that to happen.🙃😒

  • en

    Google User


    long wait and bad customer service was with chase for ten years closed account today. Also this location is only hiring Hispanic i think they are descriminating against other races and ethnics. They are no blacks that work here no asians no whites or any other race just all Hispanics only. Not cool. they are races here and basis.

  • Terrisia Schier

    Terrisia Schier


    Poor customer service. Had to wait 30 mins and could not wait, so left to run an errand and was followed and robbed after leaving the bank all my cash savings. Not safe to bank at this location. Customers always complaining of the wait.

najbliższy Bank

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