Chase Bank i Daly City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterChase Bank



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5, Southgate Avenue, 94015, Daly City, San Mateo County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 650-301-1700
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.6980646, Longitude: -122.4806542

kommentar 5

  • alan gabutina

    alan gabutina


    william the bank manager is very nice. paulette assisted me and my mom with regards to IRA. we have the best customer service with this guys! 👍👍👍

  • Tone toy

    Tone toy


    So long to wait for get assit. Nobody care me , I was at seat for over 40 mins i think on 12/15/2022 ( now ).

  • ricardo sandoval

    ricardo sandoval


    The bankers simply help who ever they want. And do not go by first come first serve as other banks do. This is very unfair to those who dont know any banckers personally. The customer service has really gone down at this location.

  • Javlonbek Ergashov

    Javlonbek Ergashov


    Service is soo bad👎👎👎, we had a valid gov issued id and stuff refused to accept it . She didnt even let us sit, and asked our name. She immediately ask if we do have required documents and when we show it she told its not accepted. From the beginning she was looking to find a reason not to accept us.

  • Hussein Alznati

    Hussein Alznati


    Don't come here the manager doesn't help I went now to open my new account to Chase bank in same location and I give them my drivers license my social security number ,my debit card and my work permit but the manger want my passport too to open a account ( debit card) he doesn't help I'm going to bank of America now to open my account

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