Chase Bank in Monsey

Vereinigte StaatenChase Bank



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405, West Route 59, 10952, Monsey, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 845-356-5150
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 41.107756, Longitude: -74.061332

kommentare 5

  • en

    First Last


    I always thought Chase bank is the best bank out there, but they proved themselves otherwise. CHASE HAS ruined their reputation. They decided to restrict my account and freeze my hard earned payroll money!!!!! I deposited a check and Chase took the money out of the issuers account immediately but didn't put the money into my account, instead they froze my account. If they need to verify issuance of a check because they are afraid that the check wasn't issued by the owner of the account then WHY ARE THEY TAKING THE MONEY OUT OF THAT PERSONS ACCOUNT????!!!!!!!! They should leave the money in the persons account until they can verify issuance, but instead they take the money out of the account and KEEP IT IN THEIR POCKET FOR A WHILE!!!!

  • Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Goldstein

    Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Goldstein


    Probably the best Chase branch here in Monsey. We are not an easy demographic to keep happy.

  • en

    Doris Park


    As considerably the best local Chase branch, I have never experienced any negative stipulation nor unfriendliness/bias as previously mentioned in other caption reviews.

  • en

    Dohyun Lee


    Expeditious and friendly overall, I think they deserve better ratings/reviews.

  • en

    David Morales


    The manager at this branch is a hater. He is rude and disrespectful. I have had multiple run ins with him and always say I will never come here again, but it's around the corner from my home, so I deal with his crappy attitude and service. Through the years they always have new employees. I wonder why, must e because of his hordinius attitude and hate towards people. His manager of this branch will tell you off and will get very aggressive with you. I would stay away from here. And I hope they fire him. Chase is a good bank. He is a bad person with a horrible soul. A real hater.

nächste Bank

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