Chase Bank w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneChase Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3217, East California Parkway, 76119, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-531-5316
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6622288, Longitude: -97.2801577

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kevin Mills


    these people are retarded I guess, I can never understand why it takes forever in the drive thru no matter if there's 10 cars or none you always waiting at least 20 minutes, only one car ahead of me now and I've been sitting here for 25 minutes already. I'm writing this as I'm waiting. And count your money cause they tried to short me a couple of times. Terrible branch, this is why ill never get a personal account with chase, I come here for change for the business I manage, and that takes forever. I'll be reporting this branch to corporate office as you all should also. Anyone that gives this location a good review either works there or is related to or friends with someone who work there.

  • Alex Sharp

    Alex Sharp


    I go every week to chase bank and cash deposit my check . normally it is the one in Bedford or Arlington I had hesitations about stopping at this place because of the 1.8 review. clearly it deserves that 1.8 or less . as I was given a hassle they said it was the system , clearly the system needs updated because this never happens I will not be returning to this location

  • Scott Black

    Scott Black


    Worst customer service ever. They don’t care about you or your livelihood. They won’t help you if it takes anymore work than just depositing your check. Worst tellers ever

  • en

    Ken Homme


    Went to this location to put an item in my safety deposit box. When I entered I was told to write my name down on a list which only had 1 name on it. I was told to have a seat and someone would be with me shortly. After 20 min I asked the lady that was coordinating people when they walked in if there was anyone else that could let me in to my box. She said that a representative would be with me shortly. After another 20min I saw employees/managers walking around doing nothing. At the 40 min mark with not one person helping me with something that would take 2min, I got upset and with a loud voice said that I was unhappy with their customer service to just get into the box for 2min and left.

  • ThatBoiiGaspar



    They have an amazing staff and the wait was long but it was worth it cause they are super friendly and lit and they make me feel welcome even if I still havea hangover from the day before I love chase 🤗🤠🤑🤝

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