Chase Bank i New Rochelle

Forenede StaterChase Bank



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105, Pelham Road, 10805, New Rochelle, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-576-2100
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.905874, Longitude: -73.774151

kommentar 5

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    Bob Lang


    In a nutshell, I go to this branch on 3-10-18 with my elderly mother to make a withdrawal. We were denied because she didn't have her ID. I completely understand regardless of the fact that they said that they knew her. I go back to her assisted living home, dropped her for lunch, got her ID, went back without her...Again denied. Was told she had to be there, I said the cameras have us there 2 hours before getting denied because no ID. A flat NO and manager didnt even approach me to discuss. Upset to say the least, but professional.. I asked them to be reasonable and think outside the box given the circumstances. "NO" Here is the Kicker, As I was walking towards the door, upset of course, with no other patrons in the bank, the heavy set teller shouts at me in a sarcastic tone "HAVE A NICE DAY !!!" How in God's name does Chase hire such unprofessional people ?? Time to bring the business to Citibank where you encounter only helpful and professional service reps. I use to deal with Claudia and she was wonderfull. With the staff you have there now, I cant say anything nice, so I wont say anything other than "GET RID OF THE FULL FIGURED HISPANIC ONE" WOW!!!

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    Kymberly Cameron


    For the most part, the representatives are quite pleasant and I don't have a problem. I had one encounter where I was trying to get the ladies attention and I was told to "just sit down until someone can come to you". "I am with someone". Well first of all, I was having severe back spasms so I couldn't have taken a seat and was standing next to the seats across from the plexiglass. When I finally got to see her she kept saying, sit down until I practically shouted that I would like to as a normal person but am having back spasm!!! If I didn't have to get my business done on that day, I would have left and gone to the Chase Bank at Shop Rite Supermarket.

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    Alexander Dchekov


    If I could give a wose rate I would have, Ibwas trying to get change for business and they didn't even have 100 dollars in singles only 200 in quarters and all they can say I don't have.

  • Bavita Tamang

    Bavita Tamang


    I love Claudia , she is really helpful.

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    Joaquin M


    I walked in to get a document notarized, there was one person in a cubicle sitting with her head down, so I approach to ask if there was someone who notarized documents, and I get a nasty "wait, you have to wait till I call you". I tried to say I didn't know, and again just a rude "wait". So I just walked out, she should learn to be customer friendly, I can not believe how she treated me. I have been a long time Chase customer, and even if I wasn't, will not let anyone speak to me in that tone for no reason. I will be putting in a complaint. Thank goodness I don't frequent that branch.

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