Charming Orchid Nail & Spa i Islip Terrace

Forenede StaterCharming Orchid Nail & Spa



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64, Carleton Avenue, 11752, Islip Terrace, Suffolk County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 631-277-1868
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Latitude: 40.7506331, Longitude: -73.1948346

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kelly Quinn


    That place is a wonderful. I love it. The people are so nice ...

  • Glenaver Watson

    Glenaver Watson


    Always a good experience. It's the only place I'll go to do my nails. Not over priced and they don't press unnecessary services on you, they genuinely care about your nail and will recommend the healthiest way to achieve the style of nail you want.

  • en

    Nathalie Tapia


    I got a French pedicure and it looks horrible! The girl was very nice but the pedicure wasn’t worth it at all! I sat in the pedicure chair for over 20 minutes for nothing. I could’ve done a better job. I like the girl who did my manicure though. Unfortunately this isn’t the first bad experience I’ve had there

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    Nephlyria Brown


    Relaxing atmosphere. Got eyebrow, lip and very good 10min massage! Good prices. Awesome spot.❤

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    marilyn poterson


    Have been going to Charming Orchid for a while, I even brought my husband (he loved it). I normally get powder gels. And today Naomi did a 3D design, OMG!. It came out so beautiful even with the powder gel. Naomi was the best! And it is still such a relaxing atmosphere.

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