Charley's Tire Warehouse i New York

Forenede StaterCharley's Tire Warehouse



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1584, Richmond Road, 10304, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-351-2600
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.5910642, Longitude: -74.1006637

kommentar 5

  • Firas Safa

    Firas Safa


    very friendly with great prices, I actually changes my tires at their place for the exact same price as what they were on tirerack, mounting included. The job was also done in a timely manner.

  • en

    Michael Smith


    Had to replace tire because of flat. Went to Charleys. They didnt have my tire in inventory. Gave me options and then ordered tire i needed. Came back later and they replaced and mounted tires. Staff very friendly and professional

  • Luke Crisalli

    Luke Crisalli


    Great service, honest opinions,fair prices and repairs done quickly. That's all you need.

  • en

    Francisco Sanz


    Very professional and polite. Know what they are doing

  • en

    Moe Omar


    Racist mtf kkk and very expensive He wants 50 asked just to change each tire so that’s $200 to change all four tires plus tax and other fees don’t go there please don’t support this place this is America symbol of democracy in the world if your white blue eyes blonde hair go there....✌️ God bless America

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