Chapman Hyundai w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneChapman Hyundai



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999, West Bell Road, 85023, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-344-6930
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Latitude: 33.6395443, Longitude: -112.0865744

komentarze 5

  • en

    Damaris Jimenez


    I’ve purchased many cars in my life, all sorts of ways (auction, owner-sold, dealership, company cars, mom and pop places even buy here pay here places) never have I been to a dealership that treats you like you matter from the moment you pull into the parking lot. Scott, Elizabeth and Kevin went far beyond they’re job descriptions and worked diligently to get my family and I into a reliable mode of transportation where everyone was comfortable. There’s not many places nowadays that truly lives up to the definition of customer service and these three miracle workers are the embodiment of customer service! I can’t begin to express my utmost gratitude for EVERYTHING you guys have done, all I can say is, I’ve found my car people 😁

  • A Shaffer

    A Shaffer


    Hi, this review is for the Service Department. We have used Chapman's service depaertme on and off since 2010 when we bought our first Hyundai. Jamie H. has been looking after us ever since with exceptional friendly and professional customer service. Today I dropped the car off for a long overdue 60k inspection. The shuttle service was prompt and friendy with only a five minute wait time. Jamie called at mid afternoon to let me know that the car was ready. The work was done as requested, with no surprises and at a very competitive price. Strongly recommend Chapman Hyundai services department.

  • en

    Jacob Gutierrez


    I could not have chosen a better dealer to buy my first car. Veda was amazing in helping me find my best deal by making sure I had the best car for my budget. She gave me a ton of advice and information to help me down the road , which I honestly wouldn't see many salesmen doing the same. Everyone at Chapman Hyundai are very attentive to make sure that you're being assisted and taken care of. I HIGHLY recommend this dealership for new and seasoned car buyers. 😄

  • Dalia Ozuna

    Dalia Ozuna


    I received horrible service at this location. This was my first time taking in my car for a recall service and the only other thing I added was a oil change. When I got my car back they did a tire rotation that I did not ask for which messed up my entire car. My car completely goes to the left. Originally Sam Pierce had told me everything in the car was fine perfect but when I took it back in now he is saying my tires are bad. That does not make any sense at all! I have had my car for 3 years without no issues I’ve driven this car out of state no issues! As soon as I bring it here it’s completely messed up. He offered to give me prices to get it fixed. No thank you a total scam! I defiantly do not recommend this place especially the horrible service received by Sam Pierce. I recommend Toyota my mom has her car with them and there service is incredible. Over 3 years with them also and the service is amazing. Defiantly recommend Toyota on 16st and Camelback.

  • Shirleeah Fayson

    Shirleeah Fayson


    I had the pleasure of visiting Chapman Hyundai today and working with Scott Sullivan to purchase a new car. He was very thorough and answered all of the questions I had concerning making a new purchase. He was very personable and feels like someone I can trust to give honest feedback about the brand he represents. Everything was very speedy which I appreciated because the last time I purchased a car the process took all day.

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