Chabad Colonials i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterChabad Colonials


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2121, I Street Northwest, 20037, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-520-9357
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Latitude: 38.900964, Longitude: -77.047661

kommentar 5

  • en

    Aaron Futerman


    The best Chabad in town! If you're a student or simply stopping through, come on by!

  • en

    Gillian Horn


    The most warm, inviting, accepting, cool, fun chabad EVER. Thanks Rabbi Yudi and Rivky for everything you do! And their kids are extremely cute too

  • en

    Madeline Cunnings


    Welcoming people, delicious food, and a true to home to Jews of all backgrounds! From challah bakes to weekly shabbat dinners, there isn't a better place for GW Jews to call home.

  • en

    Carly Meisel


    There aren't enough words to describe how incredible this place and these people are. Rabbi Yudi and Rivky Steiner are two of the most dedicated, selfless people around, and their organization reflects that. They create a space for every single Jewish student to feel at home and enabled to be their full selves, appreciating Judaism in a new way and feeling more inspired than ever before. Doesn't get any better than this!

  • Jason Edelman

    Jason Edelman


    Love the people and the place. Was my home away from home during college!!

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