Centre Dental--John Shi DDS w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCentre Dental--John Shi DDS



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139, Centre Street, 10013, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-925-7066
strona internetowej: drshi.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7174247, Longitude: -74.0008579

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kunle Oyeledun


    Fantastic! Excellent service, professional and courteous staff! A bit pricey but that's what you come to expect in any medical facility. I went there just yesterday to remove a wisdom tooth and I didn't feel a thing. Dr. Shi knows his stuff and is very direct and spot on when it comes to your questions. I will be going there again to remove my other two wisdom teeth. I would recommend this facility to any body!

  • kouchhea kach

    kouchhea kach


    I have been a patient here for a couple months and I'm very satisfied with Dr. shi and all his stuff, especially Sophia. She is very friendly and sweet. Dr. Shi is an experienced dental doctor. He has been very patient and doing a very good job of my crown and root canal. I will recommend this place for everyone. He opens during the weekends, it's so conviencence.

  • Peisen Zhao

    Peisen Zhao


    Great place if you want to do invisalign. Teeth cleaning, is done by contractor. No so good.

  • Ariel Shek

    Ariel Shek


    I was pleasantly greeted from staff as well as the dr. My boyfriend got his wisdoms and fillings done. The doctor was wonderful and thorough. He answered and explained any questions I ask. He also showed me the fillings and cavities he did for my bf. The whole procedure was very quick and efficient.

  • Dennis Whiting

    Dennis Whiting


    Dentists make me nervous and when I walked into the Centre Dental--Shi John DDS location and saw the stairs leading down to a bright white hallway I was still anxious. I didn't see an elevator so this place is not wheelchair accessible from what I can tell. But once you get downstairs it is clean and well lit and the staff are pleasant and greeted me once I walked in. I filled out a form as many medical appointments require. I arrived almost 45 minutes early and was seen 30 minutes earlier than my appointment was scheduled for. I was escorted into a procedure room that was clean and comfortable. There was music playing and some privacy. Dr. greeted me and was caring and thoughtful. She took the time to answer all of my questions regarding the whitening kit I had decided to try. She shared with me what to expect, gave me a chart of whitening variation so I had reasonable expectations, and discussed with me preventative steps in case I felt any sensitivity.

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