Center Ice Brewery i St. Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCenter Ice Brewery



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3126, Olive Street, 63103, St. Louis, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 314-339-5733
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Latitude: 38.635211, Longitude: -90.22481

kommentar 5

  • Chris Stines

    Chris Stines


    The beer was really tasty and the staff were awesome. Went out of their way to be down to earth and friendly. The definition of hospitality -- which can be lost on some establishments. They were fantastic about describing the beer, and giving well thought out recommendations. Great place to pop in after Pappy's !!

  • en

    Melissa Finely


    Awesome experience! Can't wait for a BLUES game! Great options on beer including guest beer on tap and wine options! Excellent atmosphere

  • en

    Ryan Ching


    Really cool place to watch a game and some pretty good beer! Been here three times are would recommend to all my fellow blues fans

  • Samantha Volz

    Samantha Volz


    Great bar, super chill, awesome staff. We had a spontaneous date night and couldn't have asked for a better place. We will definitely go back. Can't wait to bring our friends!

  • william fields

    william fields


    The beers are great. The only thing that is ridiculous is the fact that the music is so loud that you have to scream to talk across the table. I am not one to complain, but I cannot believe that the music is so loud. There are only 12 people here, but we cannot speak to one another because of it. Please take care of this so we can recommend this place to everyone. We are gonna go to Urban Chestnut for now. Service was impeccable though.

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