Centennial Lakes Dental Group i Edina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCentennial Lakes Dental Group



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7373, France Avenue South, 55435, Edina, Hennepin County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 952-831-2800
internet side: centlakedent.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.8690425, Longitude: -93.3274806

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Godfrey

    Anthony Godfrey


    I had a jaw surgery that makes it very hard to open my mouth. I’ve had dentists remove teeth without thinking about working on them because of this. I found Dr. Adam Shand and he is going above and beyond to help me. Not only that but he is very knowledgeable and explains what he is doing each step. A clean place with great people working inside. Very much recommend.

  • Danielle Scherer

    Danielle Scherer


    I’ve been going to Centennial Lakes Dental for more than 20 years. I wouldn’t trust anywhere else. I have a serious phobia of the dentist. They go out of their way to make me feel comfortable and safe. They’ve always taken great care of me and the staff is absolutely the best!!

  • Jinnet Fowles

    Jinnet Fowles


    I have been a patient at Centennial Lakes for two years now. I have found them to be both caring and efficient and sound in their practice. The dental hygienists have been responsive to my questions and needs. The dentists have been thorough and provide excellent consultation. I have had two crowns with them in addition to all of the general cleaning and preventative care that was appropriate. I routinely recommend this group to my friends

  • Jess D

    Jess D


    I have just completed my first few visits at the golden valley location. I have put off finding a dentist for along time and had been behind on cleanings since the pandemic. If you are searching for a dentist or are not satisfied with where you are, seriously consider centennial lakes. I was recommended by a coworker and it was an answer to prayer. Everyone is friendly, calls me by name, Alyssa is the most gentle, kind, detailed, and thorough hygienist I’ve ever had. She did a great job and I experienced no pain. Dr. Liu is AMAZING. Explains everything, is patient, validating, listens well and remembers details. He is thorough and makes sure his work is done to the best of his ability. I’ve had two rounds of cavities filled with him and they went smoothly. He made sure to make many adjustments so my bite and teeth felt good after the cavities were filled. They have no judgement here and if you have high dental anxiety, this is the place to go.

  • Sean Tyson

    Sean Tyson


    Cannot speak highly enough about this dentist. Best experience I've ever had from the office to the doctor and everything/everyone In between. Their tools made my experience painless and easy, and every employee I encountered was exceptional, courteous and genuine.

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