Cedar Market w Berkeley

Stany ZjednoczoneCedar Market



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1601, California Street, 94703, Berkeley, Alameda County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 510-524-6482
strona internetowej: cedar-market.business.site
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.8768548, Longitude: -122.2803204

komentarze 5

  • Betty Stouffer

    Betty Stouffer


    They have everything you need when you're hungry I need to stop for a break after a hike at Tilde. Cozy little neighborhood store got to support that! ❤️❤️❤️

  • P. I.

    P. I.


    The quintessential mom and pops neighborhood corner store. The previous owners, some nice Chinese folk, I remember from my childhood, had been there for over 50 years when the new owners bought the store. This is the ideal store when you're in a rush and you need a quick breakfast, coffee, and a newspaper, or it's the end of the day and you need some dinner, a beer, and maybe some Tylenol. They will carry items if you are a regular (I'm not sure if this was a good idea for me since I like Lemonheads) and ask, they recently installed a Peet's coffee service, for quick drive-by's, and a nice selection of wines and beers for the locals. Really nice people own this store.

  • S. M. “I'm not the one” Newlin

    S. M. “I'm not the one” Newlin


    The couple who owns this bodega are awesome. Good sense of humor, fair in their business, reasonable prices. Nice beer selection and I seem to do well on the scratchers from this store. Don't know why, but I do.

  • Roberto Perez

    Roberto Perez


    Standard corner store at first glance but with a few niche items that keep me coming back. Their entire back wall has some of the most diverse beverage options I've seen and I always try something new. They also have a great selection of South Asian spices/ingredients. All my favorite curry mixes are from here.

  • Helen Wang

    Helen Wang


    All of the basic shelf stable items, plus an incredible selection of Indian spices (mix of whole and ground) and dal (lentils). Millennials: GT’s kombucha on tap, hot samosas, and TCHO chocolate. And a UPS pickup/drop off point. You can get all your neighborhood business done here! Spices include but are not limited to: fennel seeds, fenugreek, mustard seeds, green cardamom pods, black cardamom, turmeric, garam masala, curry powder, chili powder... the list goes on and on...

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