CC Carpet w Bedford

Stany ZjednoczoneCC Carpet



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1805, Reliance Parkway, 76021, Bedford, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 214-631-0704
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8389688, Longitude: -97.1072995

komentarze 5

  • Kashi Vishwanath

    Kashi Vishwanath


    Great service.

  • Kate Jennings

    Kate Jennings


    CC has done so much work for my family- we always receive so many compliments on our flooring and are always referring others to CC! They’re prompt in their correspondence and service, and they are incredibly thorough. I would recommend them to anyone looking for flooring work!

  • en

    Tiffany Camelin


    We went with vinyl wood flooring because it would be in our kitchen and laundry room, we were told the vinyl wouldn't bow or buckle due to water. Vinyl flooring lays directly on the concrete slab, we asked several times if that would be an issue with noise or popping and we were reassured several times that it wouldn't be an issue. The two gentlemen that came out to install were amazing! Very friendly and nice. But after only a few weeks we noticed the floor didn't seem to sit directly on the concrete slab, it would make popping noises. After giving it well over a month for the floor to settle we decided to call CC carpet to see why we were having this issue. Someone from CC carpet came out, someone from the manufacturing company came out, and then a Floor specialist came out. We have yet to hear anything from CC carpet on what the status is of our concerns. We cannot finish our other projects due to this hold up. I would highly recommend that anyone looking for good quality flooring to look elsewhere than CC carpet. I would have not wasted my money had I known this would happen. This is the first flooring we have ever had installed in our home, what a horrible first experience.

  • en

    Sandy Miller


    We chose CC carpet for a kitchen and two bath remodel and couldn’t be happier with the results, and the price. Everyone we dealt with was helpful and accommodating, and their installation crews were the most courteous and conscientious tradesmen we’ve ever had in the house. We chose their “$29 special” granite, expecting an upsell, but there was none. And it turned out gorgeous. Joe’s recommended color choices were spot on, despite my initial reservations. I look forward to our next project with them. Thanks!!

  • en

    Carey Beck


    Always good to deal with Wess

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