CB2 w San Francisco

Stany ZjednoczoneCB2



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CB2 Union Square, 34 Ellis St, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 415-834-9370
strona internetowej: www.cb2.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.7858956, Longitude: -122.4067728

komentarze 5

  • en

    Richard Staggs


    Buyer beware, fraudulant charges on my credit card notified manager John on Saturday another fradulant charge on Sunday no return phone calls no help other than to cancel credit card. Poor customer service for fraud buyer beware of this store don't shop there unless you pay cash. I live in Texas and they are in San Francisco Ca.

  • Justin Edwards

    Justin Edwards


    There are some nice pieces you can't get at Crate & Barrel, but it's difficult to notice the store.

  • en

    Bay Cyd


    i had a delivery issue that store manager JOHN resolved to my satisfaction. Furniture from CB2 and Crate and Barrel is first rate.

  • en

    Mana Varnoos


    CB2 and their online staff are absolutely terrible. The employees don’t give a damp for customer nor providing any service. In fact they go out of their way to cause issue. I ordered two pots online and called them the next day to beg please since you have the items on their shelve, ship it asap. But instead of shipping the pots the next day I get a call, telling me it will take 7 days for their lazy people to put the pots in a box and ship it . CB2 should go out of business. If Amazon was functioning like CB2 they would not be in business today. Why Amazon is so successful = customer service + comment sense. As I tonight after 4 days, I have not received any shipping notice from CB2. They do not care about customers....really don't. Awful company t do business with. This is my last time I’ll buy anything from CB2. They can go to where they belong!

  • Dan Cotfas

    Dan Cotfas


    As you would expect, this CB2 contains fun and slightly upmarket furnishings, homewares, and decorations. It's in a good location too. The next street over there's a full create&barrel, which is it's mother brand, and is much higher quality in my opinion for slightly higher prices.

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