Cava Mezze Clarendon w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneCava Mezze Clarendon



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2940, North Clarendon Boulevard, 22201, Arlington, Arlington County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 703-276-9090
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.88737, Longitude: -77.093582

komentarze 5

  • Crystal Jurewicz

    Crystal Jurewicz


    THE BEST BRUNCH IN THE DMV! Bottomless brunch: salmon, chicken and waffles, French toast, steak and eggs, shrimp and grits, ..... as many servings as you can eat! Make reservations to secure your spot. We are definitely going to make this a monthly event. Fantastic customer service and great environment!!! Thank you Cava Mezze staff!

  • Whitney Kippes

    Whitney Kippes


    Nice stop for either lunch or dinner. They serve regular meals, but the star of the show is their small plates. Order a few for the table and you're sure to be happy. Four stars because the staff sometimes let you feel how busy they get.

  • Emilie Dunnenberger

    Emilie Dunnenberger


    Food was delicious and waiter was wonderfully attentive .For a mezze (small plates) restaurant, we thought some prices were a bit steep. But the restaurant staff was extremely accommodating to our party of 7. So we enjoyed the food and experience overall.

  • Teal Griffey

    Teal Griffey


    $35 bottomless brunch is dope. Large menu to choose from and enough room to do doubles of the plates you really love. Service was pretty good. The only complaint is that the 0.25$ mimosas were pretty small and weak - but at 0.25$ a pop it's hard to call that a real complaint. They were still tasty! Location is great and there is plenty of street and garage parking around, not to mention the metro.

  • Aleena Gharib

    Aleena Gharib


    Our experience from start to finish was phenomenal. We had a party of 14 and our seating layout was great. Our server, Andrew, was extremely friendly, attentive, patient, and skilled. We never had to wait around for him, he was always there refilling drinks and checking on us and the quality of our food. Our food, by the way, was absolutely delicious. The fourteen of us all shared different tapas: Brussel sprouts, zucchini fritters, grilled meatballs, scallops and risotto, honey chicken, and much more— all just above and beyond delicious. So much flavor. Their cocktails were SO good as well. My favorite was the Blurred Vines. We will absolutely be back. Thank you Andrew for making our friends birthday celebration special!

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