Catons Plumbing & Drains Heating w Laurel

Stany ZjednoczoneCatons Plumbing & Drains Heating


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Laurel, MD 20707, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 301-498-7546
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.0992752, Longitude: -76.8483061

komentarze 4

  • Stephanie Zafonte

    Stephanie Zafonte


    Reasonable price 24/7. Very pleasant staff. Honest work completed has promised. Would absolutely recommend them if needed and I would absolutely call them again. Thank you!!

  • E Mills

    E Mills


    When the plumber determined he needed to drive to another location to acquire the necessary anode rod for our hot water heater, he left the water heater tank draining into a bucket which was too small to hold the volume of water being drained and before he could return, water had overflowed onto the floor of our utility closet and into our first floor hallway carpeting forcing us to do our own water cleanup and our running of portable fans for several days. Although his manager offered to come to our home to personally assess the damage done, we couldn't wait for him to appear since we were a receiving house guest for the weekend well before he could personally get here.

  • Rachel Taraszka

    Rachel Taraszka


    They gave me a heads up that they were in route, finished the job in a timely manner and even helped me overall understand for future problems. They did a great job and were so nice!! I highly reccomend

  • en

    Mike McDonough


    I was very satisfied with the services that Nick did during the call. He offered an additional service which I declined at that time. We would highly recommend Catons Plumbing to our neighbors.

najbliższy Hydraulik

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