Cash America Pawn i Fort Worth

Forenede StaterCash America Pawn



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1024, Oak Grove Road, 76115, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 817-926-2552
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Latitude: 32.6695609, Longitude: -97.3124569

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lee Grant


    Sold me a amplifer they couldn't hook up to let me see work so they told me to try it and bring it back if it didn't. Now they want me to pay a professional installation service and bring a receipt with proof it doesn't. More $$$ .I refuse. Never again

  • Goo Mc Ajob

    Goo Mc Ajob


    Terrible is an understatement. They had a "big sale" this past weekend on lawn equipment at this location, there was no big sale here, simply a bunch of JUNK they had over loaned on in the first place that over 90% of it was not in running order and was priced as if it was in running order !! When I had asked a clerk who was outside during this "sale", about the condition and non running status and prices of the equipment, she replied with "it was running when it came in, and we have a guy that comes and fixed all of this stuff" I laughed and said that he isnt very good at fixing ANYTHING here as one gas trimmer started and ran out of around 8 or 9 that I tryed. All of the asking prices listed had been raised for this "Sale". No deals to had here folks, save your self LOTS of time and your hard earned $$$ and just go buy new, or if you must buy used, from a reputable source, not these corporate ftw clowns. They deliberately unload this junk on people who dont know any difference, This is wrong and dishonest.

  • Konrad Von Hochstaden

    Konrad Von Hochstaden


    I hate pawning stuff. 150% interest PER MONTH. But in a pinch, you get cash, fast. So although I hate pawning, these guys make it less painful. They are professional, understanding, and help you not feel like a scumbag.

  • en

    Ravenis Black


    Would rate higher but I'm only rating just to say they are only open till 7PM on weekdays. Not 8pm like google says. Other than that. Its a pawn shop. Fix the hours and ill fix my rating.

  • Kristopher Hickman

    Kristopher Hickman


    The staff are really nice and friendly and the store is really busy. The employee that helped me was very pleasant too, but the main issue is the amount offered for what i needed to sell was ridiculously low. The offered me a price that was far lower than any for the same item on ebay without regard to condition. My item was virtually new being used only 5 times yet the offered me 30% less than the price for the same item in a heavily used and worn out condition. Ill go to a competitor and get a lot fairer price fir sure.. Oh yeah... I was offered 35$ for a torque wrench that sells new for 200-300$, which was below the $50 price for a worn out and bent one on ebay. Go elsewhere people!

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