Casablanca Coffee w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneCasablanca Coffee



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215, West 8th Street, 76102, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-862-7149
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7512622, Longitude: -97.3307713

komentarze 5

  • Christopher Stewart

    Christopher Stewart


    Driss is the coolest! Such a nice dude. Thanks for the warm welcome. If you stop in, be sure to try the "thé à la menthe" (mint tea)!

  • en

    Nicole Switalski


    Great coffee, food, and service. Breakfast is served all day with fresh fruit. Try the Fire on Ice for a lovely dessert coffee.

  • Clarissa Brown

    Clarissa Brown


    Was greeted right when I walked through the door. Nice lay out, reasonable prices and great coffee!! Will definitely come back anytime I'm down town.

  • Kylee Brock

    Kylee Brock


    Very small coffee shop. Definitely stop for a drink, but take it to go. The iced coffees were just what we needed on a hot day.

  • Abigail Young

    Abigail Young


    All right, this is the best quick coffee-and-breakfast I've had downtown. Pros: Excellent food Wonderful coffee Great atmosphere Pleasant employees/owners Lovely customer service Cons: Awful/nonexistent parking Very little inside seating I'm not a huge coffee person, but the unapologetic coffee snobs with me unanimously called it "excellent". If you are a fan of tea at all, don't pass up the Moroccan mint. An authentic Middle Eastern hidden treasure, made with fresh mint leaves and real sugar, it is a delectable treat that I wish I'd known was in downtown Fort Worth a lot sooner! The food was all unequivocally delicious. The savory crepes were fresh and perfectly textured; the roasted veggie quiche had some lovely spices and robust flavor, with a flaky crust; and, if you have the appetite, grab the quiche-and-soup combo to get a full bowl of rich lentil stew. It's thick and satisfying. Their oatmeal combo, with yogurt and bagel, is a great (and filling) breakfast. The oatmeal is traditional, not quick, oats, and sweetened nicely. The only real downsides to this cafe are in its location, which really can't be helped. If you have more than one friend with you, don't plan on sticking around to eat/drink - there won't be room for all of you. It's a pity, because the decor is fun and eclectic, and the Eastern music playing makes for great atmosphere. There's bar seating inside along one wall, but that's it, and then a few bistro tables on the sidewalk outside. Fortunately you can call in your order and they'll have it ready to pick up when you get there. Parking, unfortunately, is a nightmare. Streets on two sides have no-park zones. There are exactly four spaces in front of the door, and I'd assume a minimum number of those are constantly occupied by the cafe employees themselves. Any spots that you can find within a block's radius are metered, too, so grab some spare change or download the Fort Worth parking app (or, of course, just walk). All in all, if you have a moment and a small car, definitely check this place out. It's more than worth the stop!

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