Casa Reynoso in Tempe

Vereinigte StaatenCasa Reynoso



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3138, South Mill Avenue, 85282, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 480-966-0776
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.3948604, Longitude: -111.9411171

kommentare 5

  • en

    Pma Dade


    This place is one of the best restaurants in the valley! Both in value and quality. I live over 25 miles away and only get to enjoy this place once in awhile , but this place is always worth the trip!

  • Lindsey Brown

    Lindsey Brown


    Always super friendly and such delicious food! Be careful though! It comes out super hot!

  • Matt Rundio

    Matt Rundio


    One of the best Mexican food restaurants in Arizona (maybe anywhere). I especially love the machaca and anything with the green chili. The red sauce is also fantastic, and less harsh than most other places.

  • Axel Olson

    Axel Olson


    Went there for a lunch on Friday and had a excellent dining experience. The service was quick, professional, and polite. The menu had plenty of options at a fair price with excellent portion sizes. It absolutely had the charm of an authentic family owned restaurant. I think the only thing holding this restaurant back is it's location. It's somewhat awkwardly situated in the back corner of a shopping center. However, when you find it you are sure to enjoy a pleasant meal that's worth coming back for.

  • en

    Lori Weldon


    Food was great!! Had a Green Chili Pork Burro, it was not so spicy but oh so flavorful !!! Prices are equally as awesome! Inexpensive for a sit down restaurant. Our server was super helpful in steering us first timers in the right direction with our dinner choice

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