Casa Hudson w Haverstraw

Stany ZjednoczoneCasa Hudson



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34, First Street, 10927, Haverstraw, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-219-1698
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1950761, Longitude: -73.960552

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jay Wilson


    Incredible, fabulous, memorable, are words that apply. I cannot tell you how our short visit made our three week vacation up along the coast of USA. They gave excellent tips on our trip into NYC. So helpful and the morning baked treats were out of this world. We can't wait to return from the state of GA. RAY&BRENDA

  • en

    Cristina Facchini


    First off this review is way over due. I have had the pleasure of booking Casa Hudson for two event's and guest's were so delighted. Let me just say Casa Hudson speaks for itself upon arrival. The exterior has such beautiful curb appeal, with amazing detail and a beautiful large front porch over looking the Hudson River. Great for relaxing with a morning coffee or sunset evenings. Once those door's open you are met with European decor and paintings on the wall created by one of the owner's himself Nelson Diaz. Again the detail in this home is something you do not see to often anymore. The rooms are so clean, warm, and crisp. Working with also owner Andrea Caccuro was a breeze when planning my event's. Andrea was so helpful, and organized making sure everyone was comfortable and all needs were met during the event. She is right there making sure things are running smoothly. I have also had the pleasure of attending different event's that Casa Hudson has to offer, such as Pasta Making, and canning fresh sauce always feeling like you are apart of a family. To sum it up wether you are looking for a mini get away, planning a party, or attending one of the many event's you will not be disappointed. I highly recommend it and can't wait to stop in again!!!

  • Moshe Baruch

    Moshe Baruch


    What an incredibly pleasant and peaceful experience. I was able to unwind on the last leg of a business trip. Book now before everyone discovers this place and it gets booked solid. The owners were incredibly kind and solicitous. I had everything I needed and it was absolutely lovely.

  • Michael Angelo

    Michael Angelo


    The place is great, nice and very clean. It is near and also faces the Hudson River. There's a great park nearby. The hosts Nelson and Andrea are very fun to talk to. They are very good hosts and will take care of you well. There are also free parking around.

  • Adrienne Lynch

    Adrienne Lynch


    Great place to stay. Myself and my husband had a mini honeymoon here. We were both so delighted we found this treasure of a place to stay and get away from the craziness of life and just sit back and relax. The views are so beautiful and that's just the outside of the house. The entire house itself is a work of art and love. It's so peaceful and relaxing here. We had a beautiful room.with a king size bed. The room was beautiful decorated and I loved Nelsons art work all over the house. The hosts themselves are such lovely people. They are welcoming and you can have great chats with them but you can also do you own thing. Andrea and Nelson are both very helpful for anything you need, like where is good to eat and where you can get good wine. We will definitely be back!!!!

najbliższy Kwatera

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