Carter's w Falls Church

Stany ZjednoczoneCarter's



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5841-A, Crossroads Circle, 22041, Falls Church, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-575-8412
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8525185, Longitude: -77.1298276

komentarze 5

  • Allison Jordan

    Allison Jordan


    We usually buy Carter's clothes online, but had a pajama emergency and headed to the store. The staff were helpful and kind and seemed to genuinely like kids. The store itself was well laid out and organized, and it was easy to find what we needed.

  • Aleksey Kurdyukov

    Aleksey Kurdyukov


    Great prices and deals but the lines can get long.

  • Sabrina Parke

    Sabrina Parke


    I love Carter's brand but this store is the worst on customer service and frienliness. They are always understaffed so makes the wait times long to check out and the staff that checks you out is not very friendly. I have gone to this carters plenty of times and its always the same. But the last time i went there the lady was so rude i have not returned back to that location and never will. I go to a different location since there are a lot to choose from or i shop online. But i avoid this store at all cost after my last experience.

  • Dennis Sutch

    Dennis Sutch


    Most everything and to be on sale! Friendly and helpful staff.

  • en

    Rochelle Longmore


    I purchased some items on April 12. After getting home and taking off the tag to launder, I realized that one of the dresses I bought had a soil on it. I was hesitant to take it back to the store for a return since I had removed the tag but decided to try anyway. I went to the store on April 15 at about 7pm with the removed tag and receipt , one of the cashiers on duty seemed to have been willing to allow me to exchange the item. So I went to look if there were any of the dresses of the same size still available. There was none and as I returned to the cashier, a man, who I assumed was the manager on duty was beside her, he didn't introduce himself, proceeded to tell me that I couldn't return the item that was soiled and that it couldn't have been sold soiled because they wouldn't have put it up like that. I would not have been offended if he had pretended to be empathetic and said they couldn't accept returns with soils and encouraged me to check items before leaving the store BUT I am offended because he blatantly was accusing me of trying to return an item that he is assuming I soiled myself. I am very turned off by the experience. By the way, the dress cost $14.40 and I had spent over $200 in the store on that occasion.

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