Carson Family Dental i Carson

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCarson Family Dental



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144, West Carson Street, 90745, Carson, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 310-835-4088
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Latitude: 33.8308563, Longitude: -118.2789764

kommentar 3

  • Barbara Gould

    Barbara Gould


    I needed a crown and went to this dental office for help. A younger woman did the drilling down of the tooth in preparation for a crown. She seemed inexperienced in what she was doing and I concluded she was possibly a student. However, she was not supervised while doing this work.. When the crown came in another woman installed the crown. She too was very inexperienced and spilled the cement or the glue, or whatever they use to make the crown stick, onto my cheek and gums and the tooth below, which she also damaged when she used the wrong instrument to pull the temporary crown off. The crown was for an upper tooth. My gums became swollen and inflamed and I was told by the dentist to gargle with salt water. Also I had to eat only soft foods because the tooth below and gums suffered too much damage. A week later and my swollen gums still have not completely healed and my lower tooth still hurts badly when chewing. I called the dentist and she said the girl was not qualified to drill my tooth down and insisted that she herself did the drilling. I told her she definitely did not. Both women were wearing masks due to the virus, but the dentist was noticeably older and heavier. The dentist insisted the two people who did work on the tooth were registered dental assistance, which I doubt because they seemed very Inexperienced. I am a mature woman and have been to several dentists in my life and have had crowns previously. I have never experienced anything like this.

  • Melissa hernandez

    Melissa hernandez


  • Ryan Davie

    Ryan Davie


    They’ve been my dentist since I was about 3 years old and so awesome. I sincerely love these women .

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