Cars Direct USA i Las Vegas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCars Direct USA



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3095, Fremont Street, 89104, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 702-823-4090
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.1510256, Longitude: -115.1067841

kommentar 5

  • en



    mike,florin, and matt were excellent. really took care of me and my wife, they made the car buying experience totally easy. I would highly recommend their company to anyone who's looking to purchase a vehicle.

  • en

    Michael Motorozesku


    Excellent customer service from the whole staff. very nice car buying experience. Really nice cars at affordable prices! thank you guys.

  • en

    Le Bridges


    THEY ARE GREAT!! I seen a car online that I wanted really bad called and spoke with Matt and he was able to be sure that I got the car I wanted and was so great about it. I came and met the other 3 guys Mike, Carlos and Florin all great guys really funny and great with business. I bought my car in full and even got a 3 year warranty. Now any minor problems I have like my oil change or breaks, I just bring it on back and they fix it right or let me know a better time. I most definitely am going to buy my cars from them and recommend everyone to come to them.

  • en

    D Arsin


    They guys at cars direct were great! They made sure I got in the car I was looking at! Service was fast & very friendly, I would highly recommend!

  • Elena Ponce

    Elena Ponce


    Great prices and great customer service. Bought a car from them and haven't had any issues. They detailed it and had everything in tip top shape as we had discussed prior to purchase. Mike and Carlos are awesome and I would definitely buy from them again and recommend their dealership...

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