Carnegie Park w Carnegie

Stany ZjednoczoneCarnegie Park



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Carnegie, PA 15106, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 412-276-1414
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.4034077, Longitude: -80.0737474

komentarze 5

  • en

    Andrew Impellitteri


    Awesome skate park and walking trails. Very close to the town center.

  • en

    samuel kbrom


    My kids love to go to spark if they could they will stay all day long.

  • Ashley Work

    Ashley Work


    Love it. Dog park is great. Park is huge. There's jungle gyms and slides and swings for kids. There's also a skate park now which is humongous. The kids love it tho. There are 3 baseball fields but they use 2 them for soccer now. The other is for little league baseball, I believe. They may not even use that field anymore. They have pavilions. The big one with kitchen and restrooms you can rent, if you don't want the restrooms and kitchen well then I just go up and do whatever we do. There is a bathroom there anyways. There's a few other pavilions that are just that. There's a little road you can walk on and go around the park. Lots of space. Dogs are allowed there too just not on the fields. The only thing I don't like. Carnegie used to use those fields for softball, for many many years, and they have the concession stand there also, and the bathrooms, the benches, and all that. Carnegie park always had people up there playing softball, kids and adults, teams or just playing around with friends. The children are able to go to park to play n u can see the kids from field to park so they can play while you watch a game or play a game. Renting the pavilions and cooking out and really having a great time there for many years. Then Carnegie decided to start using chioda field for games. Chioda sucks. It's only 2 fields and a concession stand, THATS IT! It just sucks.

  • Alex Rutkowski

    Alex Rutkowski


    I am biased since this is my local park. I love walking the loop in the park - VERY HILLY. Beautiful dog park with areas for both small and large dogs. There is also a pretty sizeable skatepark, maybe the biggest in pittsburgh.

  • Kate Dean

    Kate Dean


    Great park! It hasn't been busy when I've come and the playground is great for little kids. 4/5 stars because it's not gated and the wood chip floor cover is not great.

najbliższy Park

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