Carl Clarke M.H.S RPA-C - Botox Queens - Best Medical Spa Queens - Define Your Look i New York

Forenede StaterCarl Clarke M.H.S RPA-C - Botox Queens - Best Medical Spa Queens - Define Your Look



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32, 12 Broadway, 11106, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 347-631-0922
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7612997, Longitude: -73.9242437

kommentar 5

  • Lici Iankoski Tomkiw

    Lici Iankoski Tomkiw


    Great professional, great services! My number 1 pick for aesthetics.

  • Carla Mendes

    Carla Mendes


    I love Carl Clarke , he is patient, informative ,friendly , and does good work , his staff always call to make sure you are ok after any treatment , not every doctor as those quality , some of them is all about getting their money 👍👍👍👍

  • en

    marie Jean


    This place provides excellent service. If you‘re looking for a place where you want a soft and natural look, I strongly recommend Carl Clark Aesthetics.

  • alisha



    This doctor was extremely disappointing. I came in for smile line fillers and paid over $1000 for them and there were no results immediately after or even after waiting a few weeks for the fillers to resonate. I came back to the office and the doctor informed me that smile lines weren't the problem but its hyper pigmentation which is the real issue apparently. If that was the case why didn't he advise me before I paid $1000 for fillers?!!!? He then said, he "wasn't able to tell before hand" ?!!!. What kind of practice is he running if he isn't able to distinguish an issue and then treat the issue accordingly. He then just recommended me to spend more money on another one his procedures..He is a scam.Waste of money. Beware. After he gets his check, he could careless about the patient.

  • Cathy Mazz

    Cathy Mazz


    Been seeing Clarke for probably 10 yrs now and trust no one else for my aesthetic and skin care. He is the most knowledgeable, sincere and down to earth person who I've come to consider a friend...You are in good hands with him 100%

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