Cardi Landscape & Masonry Design w Hauppauge

Stany ZjednoczoneCardi Landscape & Masonry Design


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509, Wheeler Road, 11788, Hauppauge, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-579-3061
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.814737, Longitude: -73.218022

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mark Borgetti


    Great company of professionals. Don’t look anywhere else for your masonary needs, my backyard is now an oasis. Thanks Curt and the guys! You have made out dream house come true!!

  • en



    Curt and his wonderful crew just placed a travertine patio. It exceeded my expectations!! It’s beautiful!! Thank you!!

  • en

    Salvatore Motta


    Showed up ready to work every day. These guys are the real deal; from the time I hired them to the time my walkways was finished I was kept informed, comfortable and stress free. I couldn't have asked for a better contractor. Curt knows his stuff!! HONEST HONEST HONEST

  • en

    John Farrell


    Recently after installing a 16 x 27’ in ground radiant pool, and upon my son’s recommendation, I hired Curt Cardillo of Cardi Landscaping, to perform a major renovation on my backyard. While I had a good idea what I envisioned, Curt was the one with the true vision. He recommended and installed Nicolock XL Stonebridge pavers with offsetting trim circling the yard and offsetting bullnose around the pool. As the main focus of my backyard was the bar and grill, he constructed an absolutely exceptional bar area with cultured stone, a bluestone top, built in refrigerator and grill, and an outdoor Sunbrite TV complimenting the entire structure. While all that was impressive, it was his ideas for the in ground sprinkler system, the garden landscaping, and low voltage garden and bar lighting with remote app operation, that pulled the entire project together. Absolutely beautiful! Having experience dealing with many contractors in my home of 30+ years, as well as a business in Manhattan, I was thoroughly impressed with Curt’s ability to never dodge a phone call over the three months of the project. He was upstanding as they come. What makes it more impressive is that Curt is in business just less than two years, but has the manner of a veteran. He possesses a steady calm, is always respectful of his crew, and consistently makes you feel you’re in good hands. With those qualities, there is no reason his business will not to continue to grow by leaps and bounds in the years ahead. I would highly recommend him!

  • Dominick Tolipano

    Dominick Tolipano


    I would highly recommend Cardi Landscape & Masonry. Curt is an absolute pleasure to work with. He is creative, dependable and professional. We renovated our entire backyard and put in a pool. From our first meeting with Curt he helped us to envision the yard and offered his advice and suggestions to make it a much easier process. Curt and his team took care of everything. We are so pleased with the pavers and the layout that he recommended. He truly helped us to utilize our space effectively. His creative approach to our landscaping is beautiful. He also added a turf area for our pets! The project cost was fair and each step completed was done to the highest of standards. The crew was reliable and so pleasant to work with. I would not hesitate to use Cardi Landscape & Masonry again and have already referred them to many of my friends and neighbors. Our backyard is just beautiful and we are enjoying the finished product.

najbliższy przechowywania towarów domowe

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