Carbone's w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneCarbone's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4208, Oak Lawn Avenue, 75219, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-522-4208
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8199243, Longitude: -96.8020508

komentarze 5

  • Garrison Gribbin

    Garrison Gribbin


    Place looks really nice, love the atmosphere. Entrees are a healthy portion rather than bigger. You can taste the made from scratch quality. I took my wife here for her birthday however this is more of a everyday eatery if you have money to throw. We got the 2 appetizers 2 entrees and dessert for 89 which is fair I guess. Our server however must of had a bad day , he was impatient and we felt rushed and unwelcomed we were one of the first ones there when the doors opened. He also made us feel stupid for asking questions. Like what’s veal in veal Parmesan . I think we looked like we wouldn’t tip him well. He got our orders correct and he was more collected once we ordered dessert . The pasta was a bit chewy. My experience wasn’t worth over a hundred dollars otherwise I wouldn’t have cared but I’m not coming back here.

  • en

    Shannon Thornton


    Food is excellent and the most authentic flavorful Italian! I recommend the appetizer also the shrimp scampi and the spaghetti with meatballs. Nice setting but a little boogie.

  • Patricia Davis

    Patricia Davis


    Really enjoyed dinner with a friend here a few weeks ago. Great food and the house wines were above average. I will certainly come back.

  • Kevin Burck

    Kevin Burck


    Simple, clean, incredibly hospitable...such a wonderful experience. It is definitely a meal that is on the higher priced end of the spectrum for pasta but the ambiance (although a little loud and a slight wait time at 8:30pm on a Saturday night ...approx 30 min wait and they got us seated in half the time of that) it is definitely worth the experience for the food and the service. Love when food is made from scratch and modified however needed. A fresh menu of selections is printed daily. Highly recommend but it is one of those pricier options, but hey...good food and healthy - I would say it’s worth it :-)!

  • Taylor Ullmann

    Taylor Ullmann


    Best spaghetti in town! Love the quaint and elegant atmosphere. Great service!

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