Car Sounds Inc w North Richland Hills

Stany ZjednoczoneCar Sounds Inc



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5216, Rufe Snow Drive, 76180, North Richland Hills, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-849-1070
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8447634, Longitude: -97.2380016

komentarze 5

  • jason Simmons

    jason Simmons


    car sounds is the absolute BEST. Talk to John...he shoots you deals on the best stuff. plus his custom work is insane. hes got my business for life!! -shagg

  • en

    pat stone


    #1 place in DFW. I had a new Kenwood radio installed in my truck and it works perfect. Only took 47 minutes to install and installation was expertly completed. Smart, articulate, confident, competent, customer-focused, laser-oriented, professional, and renown for excellence. Best car sound systems organization I have ever visited. Overall service was extraordinary. Even discussed multiple options and costs, so I could get the best quality at the best price. Their pride makes them strong and their commitment is beyond contestation. They make the difference and you can count on them

  • en

    D H


    I took my Harley to this shop because I had a weird interference sound coming from the bike sometimes when I rode it. So it took some old school troubleshooting instead of just part swapping which is very hard to find in shops these days. I tried various Certified master Harley techs an know one could figure it out till this shop spent the time an use there vast knowledge and years of experience to fix the problem! You have gained another happy customer

  • en

    Jacob Thompson


    Went in last Saturday looking to upgrade the audio system on a 1984 Silverado pickup. The shop's owner listened to what I was looking for and came up with a solution that met all the needs without a lot of unnecessary expense. He and his team were extremely easy to work with and I walked out of there 2 hours later with a GREAT system! Will be going back soon for auto security system. I can't give these guys enough stars!

  • en

    Marion Edge


    I meant to post this sooner, but better late then not. Went in a few weeks ago to replace my stock radio that wasn't working. They were great, knowledgeable and gave me options for me to pick based on my interests. I had other errands and they worked me in later that day. Work was professional and met all expectations as well as they went over the features before I left. Price was very reasonable.

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