Car-Co DMV Services w Bellmore

Stany ZjednoczoneCar-Co DMV Services



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2596, Sunrise Highway, 11710, Bellmore, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-557-2700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.667417, Longitude: -73.531197

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tyler Kenney


    I came in on 2 separate occasions this week and had my questions answered by Raina. I didn't pay for any services but still received quality attention. Will definitely come back for DMV assistance.

  • en

    Thomas Gruber


    Gave them my paperwork in late August for them to register my used car. Turns out its a salvage, they did not pick it up when I gave them the title. That delayed me about 2 weeks, Now they have to send the paperwork to Albany, I went down to pay an extra fee just for them to mail it to Albany. Months go by, I call and call and no one can answer my questions and Regina NEVER calls back. I got my State Senator involved to see whats going on, I then find out they mailed my paperwork a month and a half after they originally told me. Now 4 months after I gave them the paperwork and paid them a significant amount of money, I did hear from Albany. They sent me back my paperwork because it was not filled out properly. 4 months and hundreds of dollars down the drain. Save you money and just go to DMV yourself, I wish I had

  • en

    gregory dimaio


    Rude people no help. go to bethpage or Massapequa they are alot better

  • Michael Kozlakowski

    Michael Kozlakowski


    This place is horrible and provides zero service they advertise. I will not go back there ever again after having me go there 5 times to fill out more and more paper work for a trailer they said they can register a customized no problem. As well as after my 5 visits for the paper work to be filled out only led to never even getting my trailer registered. Moral of the story don't waste your time here, the employees are clueless!

  • Dria Johnson

    Dria Johnson


    I am out of state and tried to contact the DMV in NY for over a week to get questions answered to no less then 5 minutes Car-co solved all my problems, answered all my questions, and ended the frustration! I am so grateful I stumbled across their listing! Thank you

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